My background is rooted in fine art. During my time at university, I became deeply passionate about figure drawing and anatomy, to the point where attending autopsies was a weekly activity. This dedication earned me the most prestigious award at the university.
My game development career started, perhaps by luck, with creating character concepts for Mortal Kombat X. Working on cool projects with talented people usually leads to success, and it did for me, as I continued to work on Mortal Kombat XL and Injustice 2, taking on more responsibilities with each new project.
The first international art group I joined was for the project Spellslingers, a Wizards of the Coast initiative. From the start, I was involved not only in illustrations and concept art but also in helping define the game’s style, working closely with the art director.
Before I knew it, I was in Los Angeles, working at the headquarters of Riot Games in Santa Monica, surrounded by an incredible amount of talent. The flow of information there was like gold in the rivers of the Grand Canyon. During my 5.5 years in California, I also became an avid surfer, which partly influenced my move to Portugal.
Since then, my focus has been on teaching and a personal project that I’m developing with a couple of other game development veterans. I’m excited to share some details with you soon!"